Monday, September 13, 2010


Dan has been begging for a dog for a loooong time. Neither of us have ever had one and I haven't really cared because I've never liked dogs and I have also developed a fur fobia in my adult years.

Being the awesome wife that I am, I got Danny this adorable creature for his Birthday anyway.

The title says Sophie/Smores because we've had a terrible time naming her and can't agree on anything so I call her Sophie and Dan calls her smores and the girls can call her whatever they want.

I love our puppy and am so glad I finally gave in. She is so adorable! In case you're wondering, it's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They grow to be 12-18 lbs, are really good with families, and only cost a small fortune (just don't ask).
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Amber said...

Haha!! My sister in law got one of those for Xmas a few years ago. He is WAY over 18 pounds and he looks like a tick (his head is the right size and his body is HUGE!!!). Hope Sophie/Smores stays small for you guys ;)

Amber Rohner

Joni Roscoe said...

the doggies are so cute.. we just lost our dog last year because of some skin turns out that the "antifungal" cream we used for him was not really the right sad..but anyway, the dogs are cute..
love 'em :)

Just another girl said...

THe dog looks so angry!!