Wednesday, February 18, 2009


The sole purpose of this post is to brag. First, I'm bragging about how beautiful my Alex is and Second, I get to brag about having a photographer in the family that randomly takes pictures of said beauty. Thanks Camille! Check out her website: (the last 2 pics are mine, by the way, I can't mess up Camille's reputation with my stinky shots)
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Friday, February 6, 2009

Daddy Daughter Dance

Sydney's Elementary school had a daddy/daughter dance tonight and I took these photos before they headed out on their date (first stop: Mcdonalds). They are so adorable together!
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Eventful weekend

As a ward missionary I was privileged to attend a meeting this Friday at the ASU institute building where Elder L. Tom Perry was the main speaker. It was neat to see him in a more relaxed setting and get a glimpse of his personality. And it got me really pumped up about missionary work.

Saturday, some of the girls I grew up in church with had a little reunion- it was really fun - hopefully those who couldn't make it can next time!

Sunday, Sydney FINALLY FINALLY rode her bike on 2 wheels and then we went to a friend's Super Bowl Party to watch the Cardinals get defeted :(.

My Nephew was born!

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